About Mark Teasdale

Mark Teasdale is a renowned figure known for his extensive work and contribution to photography. With a career spanning over 15 years, Mark has been at the forefront of photographing local interests in North Vancouver, influencing numerous projects and initiatives.

Mark's journey began in Vancouver, where he developed a passion for photography. He pursued higher education in Business at Capilano University, which laid the groundwork for his future endeavors.

Throughout his career, Mark has been recognized for his innovative approaches and dedication to excellence. His work has not only contributed to the advancement of photography but also to sharing his daily photography journey on Twitter, inspiring a new generation of professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Aside from his professional achievements, Mark is an avid computer programmer, often seen programming into the early morning hours. He believes in the power of the 10,000-Hour Rule, which reflects in both his personal and professional life.

For more information about Mark Teasdale and his work, follow him on Twitter at @marksgonepublic.